Team members become co-owners at Hogenhouck m&a

The entire Hogenhouck m&a team became co-shareholders of Hogenhouck m&a as of June 25. This fits with Hogenhouck’s ambition to jointly build an m&a powerhouse from shared entrepreneurship.

Mark van Beusekom, one of Hogenhouck’s founding partners, on this move: “Empowering entrepreneurs, that’s what we do every day. Entrepreneurship is what drives us. And we want to express that internally. That’s why we offered our team members to become co-shareholders.”

Growing together

“As a team, we continually strive to improve and innovate to meet, and preferably exceed, our clients’ expectations. The basis is that everyone within Hogenhouck acts from responsibility and ownership. Shared ownership of our agency fits that bill. Hogenhouck has grown considerably and we expect to continue to grow in the coming years. This is therefore the moment for us to effect co-ownership, said Mark van Beusekom.”

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