Hogenhouck m&a renews sponsorship contract with The Hague’s soccer club HVV

The Hague amateur soccer club HVV – in full: Haagsche Voetbal Vereeniging – can also count on the support of Hogenhouck m&a as main and shirt sponsor for the next five years. Jeroen Smits, president of the Royal Hague Cricket and Football Association, signed the sponsorship contract with partners and founders Rik Stikkelbroeck and Mark van Beusekom of Hogenhouck m&a.

Sponsorship of HVV validates close relationship

Both founders of Hogenhouck m&a have a long and close relationship with HVV as an important amateur club in The Hague. Rik Stikkelbroeck is a former board member and currently coach of one of the teams. Both of Mark van Beusekom’s sons are youth members. That some Hogenhouck employees play at HVV and the club is also located on Van Hogenhoucklaan completes the story.

Soccer fans in the Hague region

Hogenhouck m&a sees HVV as an important tie-in for soccer fans in the region with the support of entrepreneurs from The Hague. As a merger and acquisition boutique, Hogenhouck m&a operates internationally in the mid-market, but certainly has strong ties to the region.

Special club history

HVV was founded as early as 1883 and experienced its glory years in the early 20th century. It has been a while, but the club managed to become national champions no fewer than ten times between 1891 and 1914. This allows the club to wear the so-called “champion star” on the first team’s jersey alongside Ajax, Feijenoord and PSV.

Security for the next five years

The renewed sponsorship deal will help give HVV a good foundation for the coming years. Thanks to this new sponsorship agreement, HVV members can receive a substantial discount on the new 2021 jersey.

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