
Cloud IT-outsourcer Korton Group acquires IT-firm MHASMO

Cloud IT outsourcing specialist Korton Group has acquired IT company MHASMO. With this, Korton Group strengthens its position in the field of ICT services in the Netherlands.

MHASMO holds a strong position in the field of ICT. Originating from XS4All, MHASMO has been providing reliable and secure ICT and cloud services since 2007. MHASMO also has an excellent technical track record and high customer satisfaction. Joining forces gives Korton the opportunity to use MHASMO’s complementary services to further focus on innovation and quality.


Unique customer approach

“What makes MHASMO so special is their unique, personalized customer approach and approach. This is reflected in the quality of the solutions, products and services MHASMO provides. Their culture fit, vision and mission fit seamlessly with that of Korton Group. This makes them a great addition to our portfolio,” said Bastiaan Topper, CEO of Korton Group.

“We are extremely happy with this partnership,” say Premchand Sewcharan and Laurens van der Sluis, management of MHASMO. “We see strong growth in the market, which we can serve even better together with Korton Group. Our IT portfolio is becoming much broader and therefore we can provide our customers with even more IT services. The cloud solutions and digital workplace services really add value for our customers.”


Great expertise

For MHASMO, it is operationally business as usual, with a future guarantee for all employees. Bastiaan Topper expresses appreciation to all new MHASMO colleagues. “Korton Group made the acquisition precisely because of the people. In this way we guarantee the high level of service and can continue to grow, together with new colleagues with the right mindset.”

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