How do you want to grow?

Acquiring a business

Entrepreneurial instinct and experience got you where you are today. You are in a nice flow and you are ready for the next step: to take over a business. Maybe you are looking to get more out of the current market, tape into new markets, realise economies of scale or accelerate your growth ambitions.

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Why M&A

What are you hoping to achieve?

Buying a business

Where are you currently in the market and what do you want to achieve? Needless to say, you trust your instinct and experience first. After all, that’s how you got to where you are today. Taking over a business may well take you another step further: to get more out of the current market, to enter new markets, increase production capacity or take steps abroad. Whatever the reason may be, there is an opportunity, and you don’t want to miss it. Whether your acquisition aim is to accelerate, deepen, broaden or renew, it all starts with trust, in yourself and in your team. After all, an acquisition is not ‘business as usual’ for you.

Acquisition as a growth strategy

You need a specialist to support you in this process. You are entering a comprehensive process that involves many financial, commercial, tax and legal issues. Above all, emotions are at play, as well. Start from your own strength and let Hogenhouck empower you. We know the acquisition process from A to Z, know where the pitfalls are, can look beyond the usual suspects and suggest the options that fit seamlessly with the strategic developments and growth ambitions of both your company and yourself as an entrepreneur. The more than 200 mergers and acquisitions we have realised since 2007, we have allowed us to grow in knowledge and experience ourselves. Of course, we are happy to share this with you, in turn.

Autonomous growth is all well and good, but acquiring a company creates synergy and brings acceleration.

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What is your preferred M&A scenario?

Choose your strategy

The best strategy for you depends on your dream for the future, your personal circumstances and your wishes for the future. Below, please find a list of the different strategies.

Buying know-how and market share

About buy & build strategy →

Buying your new job?

About management buy-in →

Growing with borrowed capital?

About funding →

Venture capital with know-how?

About private equity →

How does a buying process work

About purchase process →

How does

an acquisition work?

  • We start with a new perspective on future possibilities for your company and advise on how to empower the organisation with strategic acquisitions and the starting points to achieve this, for example, your objectives in the business case, added expertise and your growth ambitions.
  • To facilitate this process, we put together a dedicated team of business development and M&A specialists that formulates the principles, builds an acquisition profile, gathers information and identifies potential candidates for acquisition. The team is focused on you: what you want and where you are headed.
  • Next, we select the interesting parties among the candidates. We know how to play the game of getting to the table with the right parties while maintaining a good position for possible negotiations.
  • Once we have selected a candidate together, we set the follow-up process in motion: gathering information, arriving at a valuation of the business to be acquired and advising you on financing and issuing a non-binding offer.
  • We determine the negotiation strategy together with you as the key figure of our team, conduct the negotiations, and work with legal advisers to draft a letter of intent. When we get to the final stage, we coordinate the due diligence, take charge of the acquisition agreement and complete the transaction.

So, you are considering M&A to expand. What does that look like for you?

Welcome to Hogenhouck

We look forward to helping you take charge of your future. That’s why it is important that we understand how you envision your future. We want to get to know and understand you, to learn how you see the balance between your business considerations and your personal interests. Together, we are embarking on the process that we are starting. We complement your knowledge with our expertise of markets, market players, negotiations, along with a positive M&A track record that has been going strong for over fifteen 15 years. Together, we guide you through the world behind the numbers.

We continue to collaborate with you on this important next step. We are in it together and understand the process you are embarking on. Combining your ambitions – business and personal – and our M&A knowledge gives options for the future. Together, we form a strong team to help you make the right decisions.

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As an entrepreneur, you are the key figure of our team.

Mark van Beusekom
Mark van Beusekom

Managing Partner

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