
De Krat Meal Box creates synergy with online supermarket Crisp

De Krat, a forerunner in sustainable and local meal boxes, is joining forces with web supermarket Crisp to make healthy eating possible for more people. With this acquisition, the combinate De Krat X Crisp expands its range of high-quality convenience options. Hogenhouck m&a supported De Krat in this transaction.

Holland’s first meal box

Founded in 2010 as the Netherlands’ first meal box, De Krat is profitable and has been certified as a B Corp company since 2015. “Confidence in what you eat is essential,” said Tessa Venker, director of De Krat. “Consumers are increasingly looking for local and sustainable products. They want healthy and varied food from Dutch farmers we trust. With this shared vision, we collaborated with Crisp and found a perfect match, a logical synergy.”

Further expansion

Crisp and De Krat say they see clear synergy in terms of products, proposition and operational organization. Since the beginning of this year, customers of De Krat have already been able to add groceries from Crisp to their basket. In the coming period, De Krat’s offerings will be further expanded using Crisp’s own software and logistics.

Starting in February, Crisp’s first customers will have the opportunity to opt for a meal box subscription. Recipe and meal box development expertise will continue to be integrated into Crisp’s infrastructure, and full brand and supply chain integration will take place over the summer. All employees of De Krat will transfer to Crisp.

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