
Cornelis Vrolijk strategic partner of Krijn Verwijs

Cornelis Vrolijk, supplier in fish products is entering into a strategic partnership with seafood specialist Krijn Verwijs. The companies are joining forces to deliver healthy, reliable, and responsible seafood products ‘from ship to shelf’ to European consumers. Hogenhouck m&a advised Cornelis Vrolijk in this transaction.

Joint venture strengthens position in fish chain  

Through the cooperation, economies of scale will be realised and the family businesses will be able to shape their further growth in seafood even better. The 50-50 joint venture aspires to strengthen the whole fishing chain and a joint sales strategy in the field of fish, seafood and shellfish and realising their growth ambitions for the coming years. Having sustainable relationships with fishers, continuing the family business and ensuring food security play a crucial role in this.

Innovations in fisheries

Both Cornelis Vrolijk and Krijn Verwijs have the ambition to continue their leading role from ship to shelf. With their decades of experience in the fish sector, they can bring high-quality healthy products to the fish shelf. Innovations, such as ready-to-eat mussels, shrimps peeled by machine in the Netherlands and a rich range of fish species, ensures a diverse and innovative portfolio. The products are sustainably fished and farmed, with both companies continuously seeking improvements in CO2 reduction and circularity.

Maintaining identity and brand

“With Cornelis Vrolijk as a complementary partner, we are joining forces and adding value to our business. It improves our regional and international position, strengthens our product portfolio, intensifies our innovation processes and our role within the protein transition,” Caroline Verwijs, managing director Krijn Verwijs Yerseke, explains. “We will remain Krijn Verwijs, a family business that ensures our customers around the world can enjoy a full range of seafood and sea vegetables every day.  We also retain our Premier brand and slogan, ‘Seafarmers by Nature’ to sell our products.”

Craftsmanship is key

Both Cornelis Vrolijk and Krijn Verwijs have a long history. Both companies were founded back in 1880 and share their focus on quality, reliability, and sustainability.  Annerieke Vrolijk, CEO of Cornelis Vrolijk: “In Krijn Verwijs, we have found a partner who – like us- values the family feeling, which is characterised by craftsmanship, trust, loyalty and long-term relationships. In addition, the strategy of the Yerseke-based company fits seamlessly with Cornelis Vrolijk’s from ship to shelf strategy.”

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