
Industrial rental specialist Indu-Tools and EQIN join forces

Indu-Tools Group, a leading industrial equipment rental company, is partnering with EQIN, owned by Dutch investment company Value Enhancement Partners (VEP). Together they form the EQIN | Indu-Tools Group. Hogenhouck m&a advised the owners of Indu-Tools in this transaction.


The ambitions of the Indu-Tools Group, operating in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany, align seamlessly with those of VEP. VEP has owned rental company EQIN since 2020 and sees many opportunities for growth in the industrial rental sector. To reinforce this, the investor sought an additional company, Indu-Tools. Indu-Tools and EQIN both focus on the industrial market and have established a solid track record.


The combination will further strengthen its position in Western Europe and enable further growth and innovations. “We want to be able to keep responding to changing demand in the growing market,” explained Partner of VEP Sergio Campisi. “The cooperation between Indu-Tools and EQIN allows us to better serve our customers and invest in sustainable solutions, innovations and digitalization. Think of developments in the energy transition that are currently in full swing in the industrial sector, but also the opportunities for the wider use of telematics.”

Synergy effects

Initially, the companies continue to trade under their own names. In doing so, they will each be recognizable as part of the EQIN | Indu-Tools Group.

The increased scale creates synergy effects in procurement and digitalization. It also creates broader access to the joint network in Western Europe, and a better geographical distribution of branches. The rental fleets of the two companies are also complementary.

The combination EQIN | Indu-Tools creates one of the larger industrial equipment rental companies in Western Europe with a turnover of € 100 mln and 335 employees.

From founding to one of the largest landlords in Western Europe

The Hogenhouck team that advised Indu-Tools consisted of Mark van Beusekom, Hein Stoops, Margot IJssel de Schepper and Bas Schellekens. The combination of Indu-Tools and EQIN creates one of the largest industrial equipment rental companies in Western Europe. With multiple locations, Indu-Tools is strategically located at the largest ports and industrial areas in Western Europe. Withrenowned customers there are great opportunities for Indu-Tools and EQIN to help with the energy transition in the industrial sector.

Partner of Hogenhouck Hein Stoops: “Indu-Tools has long been a good relationship of Hogenhouck. For example, we have Indu-Tools in november 2020 guided when buying their Belgian branch partner I-Rental, making a strong player in Benelux and France created. With this next step forms Indu-Tools now together with EQIN a powerful new group with ample opportunities in Western Europe.”

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