
Eneco invests in scale-up ‘Winst uit je woning’ to make homes more sustainable

Winst uit je woning received an investment from Eneco Ventures for further growth. Winst uit je woning is a Dutch scale-up acting as an intermediary for sustainable housing solutions. Hogenhouck m&a advised the founders of Winst uit je woning in this transaction.


Catalyst in energy transition

Winst uit je woning’s mission is to be the catalyst in the transition to sustainable housing. Winst uit je woning approaches homeowners via municipalities and helps them with sustainable housing solutions such as insulation, glazing, solar panels and heat pumps and provides installers with ready-to-start installation jobs.


FD Gazellen Award

Entrepreneurs Lieven Andringa and Gijs de Reeper have been successful since 2010 as a forerunner in making homes more sustainable. In 5 years the company grew into a profitable organization with more than 50 employees. More than 120,000 homeowners have participated in the collective purchasing campaigns organised by Winst uit je woning in over 100 municipalities. In 2021, the company won the Golden FD Gazellen award, being the number 1 fastest growing company in the Netherlands.

Kick-starting initiatives for home owners ánd installers

Winst uit je woning’s unique selling point is that they not only save homeowners a lot of work, but even more so the installers by taking care of the complete sales funnel. This enables installers (network of more than 350 installers) to do what they do best and get the job done in the most efficient way.

Expand to new sales channels

The company is now entering its next phase: expanding its existing business model from municipalities to the commercial sector by offering a white label proposition to, for example, banks, housing associations and utilities such as Eneco. Winst uit je woning has found a new growth partner in Eneco Ventures.

Winst uit je woning and Eneco

Lieven Andringa, Co-Founder and Managing Director at Winst uit je woning: “The collaboration with Eneco accelerates the energy transition in the Netherlands. We are proud to have Eneco Ventures as an investor and look forward to exploring commercial collaboration opportunities.” Winst uit je woning contributes to Eneco’s goal of providing complete sustainable home solutions to its customers and doing this in the most efficient way. This cooperation is a great fit for Eneco as the energy transition is being driven by a mix of private, public and public-private partnerships. Joris de Groot, Director B2C at Eneco: “We are very pleased with the investment in Winst uit je woning. It makes a valuable contribution towards achieving our One Planet Plan, as it enables our clients to make their homes more sustainable in an easy and cost effective way.”

Next growth phase for Winst uit je woning

Victor Rosier and Daan Zonneveld supervised the transaction for the owners of Winst uit je woning. Victor Rosier about this new step for the founders: “We are delighted to have advised the founders of Winst uit je woning in this transaction and to help them in achieving their goal: making Dutch homes more sustainable. In Eneco Ventures they have found an extremely suitable and mature partner for their next phase.”

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